Belly Flop
So "National Turn Off the TV Week" didn't go as well as planned around here. We made it to Wednesday though. Here's my excuse: Alita is still doing nebulizer breathing treatments and to get her to sit still and breath in the medicine I let her watch "BooBah" and the boys like to regress and watch it too so, there went our "No TV Week". So it was a medical nessesity......... I know, lame excuse but it's really, really hard to get Alita to do those treatments! Frankly, it's hard to get her to do it even with the TV on because she's just not that interested in it yet(thankfully). And more rationalization: we don't let the kids watch that much TV so our week was hardly any different. As I look at the blog entry below interviewing the kids, that's what they do everyday. Our kids spend much more time outside, reading, playing Legos (etc) than watching TV. However, I am seriously considering a "Turn Off the Wii Week". I think that make a bigger impression on our family. There would be some serious tears if I announced that the Wii was taking a vacation. All the more reason to do it!