Saturday, November 15, 2008

Alita Speaks!

Little Miss Thang has lots of words, here in the video I captured a few.

Why Would You Take Pictures of This?????

We took Jesse to a neurologist last month, Dr. Chez. He ordered this 24-hour EEG for Jesse to check for underlying seizure activity. The good news is no seizure activity was detected!!!! And the great news is we have these pictures of him in his EEG gear to show to future girlfriends!
On a more serious note, since there are no seizures (yahoo!), Dr. Chez has prescribed an Alzheimer's medication to help Jesse process language better. Interesting stuff. We'll see if it helps. Dr. Chez recommended a supplement for Jesse L-Carnosine that we put him on a few weeks ago. Since we put Jesse on the L-Carnosine the school reports Jesse has gone from 90% assistance from his aide in the classroom to 50%!!!!! It's basically a "blind" experiment because the school doesn't know about the new supplement.

Cub Scouts!

Jesse and Josh have joined the Cub Scouts! They are in 2 different "Dens" but the same "Pack" if that makes any sense to you former Scouters! Here are some pictures of them at a Pack meeting in October. At this Pack meeting the boys earned their "Bobcat Badge".

More Cub Scouts-Scarecrows and Bean Bag Toss

Scarecrow by Jesse's Den

Bean Bag Toss game by Jesse's Den

Scarecrow by Joshua's Den-anyone recognize that's John's shirt?

Bean Bag Toss game by Joshua's Den

For this Pack meeting each Den was supposed to make a Scarecrow and a carnival type "game". Almost every single Den made a "Bean Bag Toss"! I guess it's the easiest thing to make. Joshua's Den definitely had the coolest Bean Bag Toss though!

Mommy and Me Go To Washington

We LOVE Grandpa's house!

Picking flowers in the backyard

Waiting to drive on to the ferry.

On the ferry!

Alita, Auntie Molly and Grandpa Steve.
Alita took a trip up to Port Townsand, WA in early October. Abby's sister Molly met them there. Here are a few of the pictures for you to enjoy. I will post the rest on!