Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Some of my favorite websites

Great info on Notre Dame football, try the Rock

Notre Dame stuff

My brother in law's band... that's him on the right

a total waste of time

Interesting site on Judaism and the Hebrew language

Our friends Eric and Anita Johnson's blog

Where I work
Great selection of .wav files

I just found these

Tooth and Nail records

Mark Mohr / Christafari website

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


So, every year around the holidays I attempt to spread Christmas cheer. Some of these posts I have sent to you over the years. In fact, some may be ones that you have sent to me. I decided to post a few of my favorites (and those that are child friendly) on the family blog. I hope all of you have a blessed Christmas, a safe New Year and the most fun you have ever had in your life on Monday Jan 2 when the Irish take on the Buckeyes!

Pilot Complaints

After every flight, pilots fill out a form called a gripe sheet, which
conveys to the mechanics problems encountered with the aircraft during the flight that need repair or correction. The mechanics read and correct the problem, and then respond in writing on the lower half of the form what remedial action was taken, and the pilot reviews the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that ground crews and engineers lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual logged maintenance complaints and problems as submitted by Qantas pilots and the solution recorded by maintenance engineers. By the way, Qantas is the only major airline that has never had an accident.(P = The problem logged by the pilot.) (S = The solution and action taken by the engineers.)

P: Left inside main tyre almost needs replacement.
S: Almost replaced left inside main tyre.

P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.
S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

P: Something loose in cockpit.
S: Something tightened in cockpit.

P: Dead bugs on windshield.
S: Live bugs on back-order.

P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces 200 feet per minute descent.
S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
S: Evidence removed.

P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume set to more believable level.

P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
S: That's what they're there for.

P: IFF inoperative.
S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.

P: Suspected crack in windshield.
S: Suspect you're right.

P: Number 3 engine missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.

P: Aircraft handles funny.
S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.

P: Target radar hums.
S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.

P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed.

P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
S: Took hammer away from midget.

The curse of Arizona

Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Heaven, God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the archangel, found him resting on the seventh day. He inquires of God, "Where have you been?"

God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downward through the clouds. "Look, Michael, look what I've made."

Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?"

"It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put life on it. I'm going to call it earth and it's going to be a great place of balance."

"Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused.

God explained, pointing to different parts of the earth, "For example, Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, while Africa is going to be poor. The Middle East over there will be a hot spot," God continued, pointing to different countries. "This one will be extremely hot and while this one will be very cold and covered with ice."

The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a large land mass with mountains, deserts, and a large canyon and said, "What's that one?"

"Ah," said God, "that's Arizona, the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful mountains, lakes and climate. The people from Arizona are going to be modest, intelligent, and humorous, and they are going to be found traveling the world. They will be extremely sociable, hardworking and high achieving people and they will be known throughout the world as diplomats and carriers of peace."

Michael gasped in wonder and admiration, but then exclaimed, "What about balance, God? You said there would be balance! Everyone and everything seems so totally perfect in this place you call Arizona!"

God replied wisely, "Wait until you see all the idiots I'm sending down from the North every winter!"

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Evil Dad

So I took Josh to the sporting goods store. We were out Christmas shopping for Abby, I mean we were out bowling, and there is a new store that has opened up down the street from us. We were looking at the "skateboarders", as Josh calls them, and weights when I spotted these. The size on these was 125-135 pounds. The guy in the department stopped by as we were screwing around and said "Those are probably one size to big for him, try the mediums". The mediums were 100-125 pounds. Josh weighs all of 40 lbs.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Waiting for Mom

Project update 12/05/05

Things are moving slowly, hopefully we will have decking some time next week. I am praying we will have something more presentable by the time all of my in-laws arrive for Christmas. Precision Pools in Chandler has done a great job, unfortunately once the hole was dug things have progressed very slowly.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Boy Interrupted

Joshua likes to have "spiky" hair (see photo). He will actually create this look himself in the morning by wetting down his hair and spiking it with a comb. One morning I noticed he had missed a large section of hair to spike up. I ran my fingers through it to help this section of hair stand at attention like the rest of his head and Josh sharply turned to me and said, "Mooooooom! You can't interrupt someboy's hairdo!".

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ignorance was bliss

I thought we were creating a blog free of spam and bull. I am looking through comments posted on our family blog and there is stuff like dating websites and how to fix a bicycle. What a lame world. Here we are sharing with family and friends and I have some grease ball out there advertising through a comment on a family update. If I ever meet someone that does this type of drive by grafitti I will do something not nice to you in return. How do you like them apples?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Project humor

John: Joshua what is in the back yard?
Joshua: A big hole.
John: What?
Joshua: The workers made it.
John: What should we put in the hole?
Joshua: Sand.

Jesse's annual performance.

We actually took some pictures at Jesse's annual music therapy performance. as usual he thought the microphone was the coolest thing and proceeded to entertain the crowd and himself with his fascination with it.

Josh's outlook on life

Abby: Joshua do you like this music?
Joshua: No I do not.
Abby: It's Irish music, it's bag pipes.
Joshua: I do not like bad pipes, I only like good pipes.
Abby: Joshua bagpipes with a g, guh, baguh pipes.
Joshua: No momma, bad pipes, I do not like bad pipes only good pipes.

Joshua's soccer team

Many of you know that Josh played soccer this last summer. His team won one game their last one. Here are a couple of pictures from after the game. It was a challenge for three year olds to play soccer in Phoenix in the summer heat. It was a good learning experience, one we will not repeat until he knows for sure what sport / activity he is interested in (his dad hopes it involves staying at home swimming in the new pool.

The anti-Halloween

We do not celebrate Halloween as a family. So we went to a fall festival at Schnepp farms. It was a great times for the kids and parents we took some great photos and here they are...

More pics

New project at our house.

Seeing as how I have been inconsistent with my blogging. I am making an effort to adjust the s cales by going over board after the fact. So this is our latest project... I will try to post more soon. We began in August and it is now mid-November and we have a less than when we started.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Emotional overload

This one gets me every time. I choke up and cry....


I know that none of my friends or family are Irish fans per se. However, if you feel the need to see how Coach Weis is doing with the most storied football program in history go to to get updates and find the inside information on the performance of the mighty Irish.

In memorium of Lloyd's latest loss to ND!

Longtime since any updates

So I am back in SoCal again for a week. We are all looking forward to me having some time at home for a little while. It being the end of the summer, budget time has rolled around which has kept me very busy at work. Abby and I enjoyed a little break for our anniversary last month and tooled around Scottsdale with the rich and famous. Jesse and Josh grow every time I go on one of these trips so I expect them both to be at least 2 inches taller when I get back home.

This was kind of a disjointed update. Things are going very well for our family and we than GOD daily for his blessings.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Can I Get an Amen?

Now that Abby doesn't have to work weekends anymore we get to do something as a family that we haven't done since Josh was a small baby, GO TO CHURCH! Can I get an Amen!?!?! For the past two glorious Sundays our family has attended service at East Valley Bible Church ( It was recommended to us by a friend that Abby works with and so far we are really enjoying it. It seems to be a thriving place for all of us to grow spiritually. The boys love Sunday School (see Jesse's latest entry of "SuperJesse"), and John, Abby and Amy are really enjoying the Pastor's messages. The worship is outstanding. Anyway..........the long and the short of it is, we are happy and think we have found a Church home. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mommy! I think I'm Superman!

Joshua brought his "cape" to me today (it's his baby blanket that I tie around his neck). He was out of breath, he told me, "Mom, hurry! Someone needs help and I'm so so late!" Then as he "flew" away he cried, "I think I'm Superman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Joshua's Quote of the Day

Joshua was sassing me today. I told him "You can't talk to me that way Josh." He asked, "Why?" So I said "It is disrespectful and I don't get to talk to my mom that way." He reply came with a smile, "Yes you do!" Look out Mom, apparently I'm allowed to sass you!


Yesterday, after Sunday School, I asked Jesse if he had fun. He said yes. Then I asked Jesse what he did in Sunday School. I always ask him what he "did" somewhere and I never get a response. This time however, Jesse didn't skip a beat. "I played with Angelo," he stated. I don't know who Angelo is but that was a wonderful moment!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Joshua's Quote of the Day

Josh asked me about Jesus and where He lives. I told him that if we ask Him, Jesus will live in our hearts. Joshua said, "Ew, gross." I spent a few fruitless minutes trying to explain the soul but I gave up. He'll get it eventually =}.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What time is it?

Shortly after dinner tonight, Josh asked me if it was "bath-o'clock" yet. (I guess he gets a "quote of the day" today after all.)

Jesse's Quote of the Day

Today it is Jesse with the cute quote of the day instead of his hilarious sidekick we call Squash. Jesse said today, "You can be a boy or you can be ugly."

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Jesse has a Lisp

Jesse now has a lisp. Well, the speech impediment is just temporary, he lost another tooth! So now both his bottom front teeth are missing and he does talk kinda funny. It's real cute.

His Royal Dudeness

Joshua is insisting that I call him "Dude". He talks about how he is a Dude all day long. He also says at least once a day "Mom, I gotta grow up and be a dude." He is just "Dude" obsessed. I guess he's got some California in him after all.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Ready Shoot Aim

John has a new job. His official title is Regional Controller - West Region Huttig Building Products ( his real title is utility janitor west coast. Basically he travels around to exotic locations like Fresno, Sacramento, Medford, Tigard (no offense, really!) and works with distribution locations on revenues, expenses and margins in an effort to increase profits. We are excited about this as Abby will not have to be working every weekend and there will be some actual family time going on in addition to the 6 hrs a night when we all snore together.

We also will have a new Drinen joing us in the desert in the near future...

No, not one of our own, but John's youngest sister, Amy, will be moving in on a trial basis to work with Jesse and experience some independence. So the strange lady answering the phone is not a wrong number it is just another Drinen.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Joshua and Temperance

We driving in the car the other day and Joshua asks from the backseat, "Mom, do you drink beer?" I was a bit thrown off by the question but answered, "Sure buddy, sometimes." "Well, I don't!" He retorted. It was a very strange exchange and I'm not sure what was going on in Josh's little head but I may have been disciplined by my 3 yr old.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Joshua has made us "Soccer Parents" already. He joined his first official sports team, The Stallions! John is co-coaching with another Dad so we are really diving in. Practice is a riot, a bunch of 3 year olds chasing around after a little soccer ball, knocking each other over more often then making a pass or a goal. They have a blast though! Today was Josh's first game. As #27 he took the field! Unfortunately the Stallions lost 1-2 (I can't believe either team actually scored but they did quite well!). We'll keep you posted on the Stallions summer season (don't worry it's only 6 games =}).

Monday, May 30, 2005

Joshua's Quote of the Day

Over a family breakfast Josh looks at me and inquires, "So Mom, how is the weekend going?"

Summertime, and the living is easy...........
Posted by IRISH

The missing tooth!
Posted by IRISH

"Hello, Mom? Come home dad has lost it!"
Posted by IRISH

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Jesse has been learning about emotions and how to read facial expressions and body language that communicate emotions. Emotions and identifiying them can be quite a challenge for autistic folks but Jesse is doing well. He has had happy, sad and mad down pat for a while now. Those three basics feelings he learned easily but some of the others like excited, proud, frustrated, etc have been tough for him. Today however he had a breakthrough in understanding those more complicated emotions. Jess asked to watch TV and when I told him "no" he said, "I'm disappointed mom!" Bravo Jess!

Joshua's Quote of the Day

Josh says to me (his mom) "Hey, I like you lady!"

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Joshua's Quote of the Day

Josh was singing, "I looove yoooou!" I said thank you. He said, "I don't love you I'm just singing." Then he proceeded to sing, "I love Mom, I love Dad and my Jesse."

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Tooth Fairy Alert!

Here's an update on the last blog "It's Broke Dad". Jesse has lost his first tooth! It just came out on it's own easily. Jess brought it to John, little blood, no tears. We would put a quarter under his pillow tonight but he thrashes around so much when he sleeps the quarter would never be found! This event has taken John and I totally off guard. We didn't realize it could happen this soon! I guess he is 5 years old and that is the right age for these things to start happening. We just weren't prepared, not that you really have to be for a tooth......................anyway..............

It's broke, dad.

So Jesse and Joshua are playing very nicely together this morning while I have my coffee. They are laughing and pretending and Jesse comes in and starts talking about how his tooth is broke and that dad needs to fix it. I did a quick check of his mouth for the normal bloody lip etc and did not see anything so I assumed he was playing dentist or something with Josh.

10 minutes later Jesse is back asking me to fix his tooth. What a bone head dad I am! He has his first loose tooth! My baby all grows up! (Swingers).

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Jump Around
Posted by IRISH

Jump around
Posted by IRISH

Jump Around!

As I stated in the last entry of"Joshua's Quote of the Day" John had yesterday off and we were all together. We decided to take the Banana Brother's to "Bounce U" a local place where kids 7 and under can go bonkers and jump around on huge blown up equipment for 2 hours. It was, as you can guess, a big hit with Jesse and Josh. Joshua really liked the bouncing "basketball court" where he could shoot hoops while jumping. Jess preferred the "bounce house". However, much to Jesse's disappointment, kids kept leaving the bounce house. Every time a group of kids would come in, jump and then leave Jesse would ask me "Where are the children go?". John and I did not bounce but we were exhausted by the end anyway from running around after them. It's such a joy watching kids have so much fun. Call it living vicariously. We did take pictures and will attach them soon! Most of them are just a blur but you will get the general idea.

Joshua's Quote of the Day

John had the day off yesterday (Friday) so we got a rare day as a family. We were all sitting at the breakfast table and Josh looks at me and asks, "What is Daddy going to do with today?"

Monday, May 09, 2005

Just Call me Superman

Today Joshua decided that he was Batman and I was Superman. Anytime I addressed him today as Josh he quickly reminded me he was "BATMAN MOM!" While I was folding the laundry, Josh was quite upset he said, "Superman, you have to fly!" I told him I was folding my "super" laundry and would fly later. Well! That set him off on a rampage, most of which I only understood bits and pieces of. He paced around the room muttering something about how Batman can't fly and he needed Superman (moi) to fly for him.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Johsua's Quote of the Day

When I asked Josh why he hadn't picked up his toys like he was asked to do, he replied, "Because, I'm looking for another magic carpet."

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Yesterday was John's birthday (happy birthday sweetie =}). The minute John walked in the door Jesse shouted "Happy Birthday Dad!" Totally unprompted by me. We were floored. Tears stung my eyes.

Joshua's Quote of the Day

Josh sang out this morning, "He's got the whole world in His CANS!"

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Jesse Under Attack!

Poor Jesse, Josh has been biting him lately. This morning I heard my two offspring fighting upstairs and just as I was about to leave the dishwasher and ascend the stairs to break up the two boys I hear from Jesse, "Mom, help Joshua's eating me!"

Joshua's Quote of the Day

Joshua says, "Daddy, you have to take your bitamins so you will be big and strong. And Mama you too. Jesse too. Then we can all be the Hulk."

Monday, May 02, 2005

Joshua's Quote of the Day

"Mom! You're driving me nuts and Jesse is making me crazy!"

Movin' On Up!

Hey, hey, hey! John is on his way! Just this week John accepted a job offer from Huttig Building Products, Inc. He will be the Regional Controller covering the manufacturing plants in the states of AZ, CA, OR, WA and Alaska! John finally has a position worthy of his education and experience. The money ain't bad either. I will be able to cut back my hours at the hospital and our family can actually spend time together on the weekends, what a concept. Not to mention without me working weekends we can actually go to Church again. We are so proud of John for hanging in there at Jeld-Wen, quitely going to work every day to a position he wasn't fond of where he was grossly unappreciated and underpaid. And we are proud of him for landing this wonderful job! Congratulations John!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Joshua's Quote of the Day

Last night at the dinner table Josh asked me if I could get "the Hulk" some milk. Before I could respond Josh changed his mind and said, "Never mind Mom, the Hulk's Mama can get his milk." Thank goodness I'm not the Hulk's Mama too!

Jesse and Joshua
Posted by IRISH

The family blog updated daily by Squash, the family blogger.
Posted by IRISH

Christmas presents are so much fun!
Posted by IRISH

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Raising Arizona

Raising Arizona

Jesse and the Big Baby

Jesse LOVES babies. If you don't know that already about him, keep in mind
while reading this story that Jesse adores small humans. He always goes up to
talk to those under the 1 year mark, especially if they are in a stroller which
is closer to eye level for him. I have always figured that babies are
"safe" for him to talk to as they won't talk back and confuse him like
those of us with verbal skills. Babies just smile and giggle accepting Jess for
who he is and what he can do. Since Jesse is so social, he loves takes great
pleasure in interacting with someone who won't demand anything from him that he
may not be able to give at that moment.

That being said. John, Jesse and Josh and I were in Kohl's department store
yesterday buying some new shoes. Kohl's has these shopping carts with strollers
on the front. A woman with two boys about 8 and 10 years old was browsing in
the shoe department near us. The 8 year old was in the stroller on the front of
the woman's shopping cart. He looked rather silly, his huge body squeezed in
this tiny baby carriage but I didn't pay too much attention to him. Out of the
corner of my eye I notice Jesse went over to talk to the boy in the stroller. I
didn't hear what Jesse said but the woman and the boys started laughing so I of
course I asked! The woman giggling said, "He said 'Hi there Little Fella'
and then he tickled him under the chin". We all had quite a good laugh.
Jesse laughed too, knowing he had made a joke even if he didn't know what joke
he had made.

I thought about telling the woman that Jesse had autism and that's why he had
made this strange social error. But I didn't, the woman seemed so good natured
and didn't seem to need an explanation so I didn't give one. I wish more
strangers could be like this with Jess. It was refreshing not to feel like my
son was being judged by a stranger who knows nothing about him. We just shared
the humor and moved on.

When John and I got to the car we just exploded with laughter. Jesse still
enjoying the fun!