Saturday, June 04, 2005


Joshua has made us "Soccer Parents" already. He joined his first official sports team, The Stallions! John is co-coaching with another Dad so we are really diving in. Practice is a riot, a bunch of 3 year olds chasing around after a little soccer ball, knocking each other over more often then making a pass or a goal. They have a blast though! Today was Josh's first game. As #27 he took the field! Unfortunately the Stallions lost 1-2 (I can't believe either team actually scored but they did quite well!). We'll keep you posted on the Stallions summer season (don't worry it's only 6 games =}).

1 comment:

EJ said...

I'm glad to see you are raising him up properly to play in the sport that Jesus played. None of this football or baseball mumbo jumbo of the heathen.

Since John is helping coach, can I take a guess on the jersey color of the team: green?