Sunday, March 25, 2007

Trip to Washington

I have been meaning to post this stuff since we got back! At the end of January Jesse, Joshua and I (abby) went to Washington state to visit Grandpa Steve (abby's dad) and Great-Grandma Dorris (abby's grandma). The live in a small town called Port Townsand, located in the very Northwestern part of the state. On a clear day you can see parts of Canada. It was a great trip. It was quite cold for our thin desert blood but still enjoyable. Here are some of the highlights:

  • The boys loved going on the first airplane ride that either of them could remember.
  • More than the plane the boys loved the ferry ride from Seattle!
  • Grandpa took us to the park and let the boys walk his dog, Dundee.
  • Great-Grandma Dorris took us to a 50's diner where the boys got ate yummy hamburgers, drank soda from a real soda fountain and got to put quarters in the jukebox.
  • The boys got to see the ocean for the first time. Way to cold to swim, but they had a blast just the same!
  • We spent one day in Seattle. We went to the Zoo. They have a great zoo! I highly recommend it if you are ever in the area.
  • While we were in Seattle, I also got to see one of my very good friends from college, Anita. We had dinner and her house and her girls got to meet my boys.

The only thing that would have made the trip better is if John could have come with us. Well, next time!

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