Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mt. Gilead Part 2

Jesse in Chapel giving the "thumbs up" to the speaker.
Like I said above, I didn't get too many photos of Jesse but here is a great one! He got a bit muddy when one of the girl counselors poured a 5 gallon bucket of mud on a guy counselor as payback for throwing her in the pool. Jesse was caught in the crossfire and he wasn't very happy about it but mom and dad took pictures and snickered. By the way that's not a glare on his glasses, they are covered with mud! Aren't we awful!
Poor baby! Other kid's got some of the mud on them but Jesse got the worst of it! They gave him a whopping 3,000 points for his team the Danger Birds for being such a good sport though! He looks sad here but he bragged about it later.
Jesse during workbook time after Chapel
Jesse waiting to go on the Slip-n-Slide
Jesse on the Slip-n-Slide, look in the middle of the picture....

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